allow url params in 'set mmonit' config

Issue #801 closed
dmitry babitsky created an issue

I'm trying to utilize existing functionality to have monit send its data to a message broker, instead of mmonit, by using this monit config line:

set mmonit http://my-url/pub?topic=monit

I see that the data is posted, but unfortunately everything after the '?' is dropped, monit sends:

POST /pub HTTP/1.1

Could you enhance to allow vars?

I believe the code is in MMonit.c _send(), and POST variables could go like this: POST /pub?topic=foo HTTP/1.1

(This is what curl -iv prints)

This would be a good way to make monit more flexible

Rationale: I have 10000s of hosts, and I dont think mmonit will handle that much volume, and besides that data is needed for other purposes, hence message broker.

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