ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

Issue #823 resolved
Robert Sager created an issue


I’m trying to check some rows from MySQL-database via “check program”, but I always get the error message from the title.

I’ve found a similar issue here, but that doesn’t solve my case.

The script looks like this:




data=$(mysql --login-path=client -e "USE *db here*; \
                                     SELECT * FROM *table here* \
                                     FROM biergarten b \ );

*if all good* exit 0, else exit 1;

Monit code:

check program images with path /root/scripts/check_images
  every 144 cycles
  if status != 0 then alert

Needless to say that the script works smooth when called from command line.

Can anybody give me a hint?

Kind regards,


Comments (10)

  1. Henning Bopp

    Hi Robert,

    I think it’s a rights or path problem.

    • (using password: NO) tells me that the login was attempted without password
    • --login-path=client is the default - it could be deleted if everything else is working fine

    As a result it seems that your config file (at ~/.mylogin.cnf) is not available/readable by monit. So it cannot obtain a username and password - therefor the mysql client uses the defaults (root:<empty>).

    You might consider using an option file with contents like


    You could save the file to /root/.tasker-mysql.cnf and use it with your command:

    data=$(mysql --defaults-extra-file="/root/.tasker-mysql.cnf" *DB_HERE* \
           -e "SELECT * FROM biergarten b")

    (I also moved the use <db> part to be a parameter of the command, because it kind of cleans the SQL query.)

    Keep in mind that this file then contains a valid login to your mysql server, so secure it (i.e.: sudo chown root:root /root/.tasker-mysql.cnf && sudo chmod 0600 /root/.tasker-mysql.cnf).

    One more hint regarding security: Do not use the root user for monitoring! The root user should only be used if a limited user cannot do what you want to do. You might want to create a limited user, that only has readable access to tables and cols needed. It's easier than one might think:

    CREATE USER 'monit'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'permitA38!';
    GRANT SELECT                  ON biergarten.tische TO 'monit'@'localhost';
    GRANT SELECT (name, birthday) ON biergarten.gaeste TO 'monit'@'localhost';

    The first line creates the user, second one adds rights to select every column from table tische in schema biergarten. Line 3 allows to access the columns name and birthday from table gaeste, but will not allow to access (the imaginary) fields revenue nor avg_beer_before_vomit ;) . Last line simply tells the mysql server to apply the changes made.

  2. Robert Sager reporter

    Hi Henning,

    thank you so much for your extensive answer.

    I tried your hint with the option file, but got the exact same result, so I “switched back” to the login-path.

    I also use a user now that only has access to this table and nothing else.

    Now the situation is as following:

    A login path is defined

    # mysql_config_editor print --all
    user = biergartenbybike
    password = *****
    host = localhost

    Using this in my bash script (with your tip of passing the db name directly):

    data=$( mysql --login-path=biergarten biergartenbybike -e "SELECT * FROM ..." );

    Works perfect when running from bash (as root), but still fails when running from monit…

    Have to sleep now, can’t think anymore 🙂
    Perhaps I’ll get a “Geistesblitz” tommorrow…

  3. Robert Sager reporter

    PS: If i run the script with another user instead of root, e.g. “robert”, the error message changes appropriately:

    $ ./check_images

    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'robert'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

  4. Henning Bopp

    Good morning! 😉

    Hmm, that's weird... I'll set up a test sys this evening... Last idea before setting this up:

    Try to set the .mylogin path directly inside your script. Just before the data= line, add the line

  5. Robert Sager reporter

    Good morning! 😃

    OK I’ll try… But where is the “MYSQL_TEST_LOGIN_FILE” used? Or should I rename it?

  6. Henning Bopp

    It's used by all the mysql binaries:

    MySQL Doc on mysql_config_editor:

    To specify an alternate login path file name, set the MYSQL_TEST_LOGIN_FILE environment variable. This variable is recognized by mysql_config_editor, by standard MySQL clients (mysql, mysqladmin, and so forth) [...]

  7. Robert Sager reporter

    Hmmm, this doesn’t change a thing.

    This must be a deep misconfiguring issue on my side, I can’t explain it otherwise…

    What I wonder about is the fact that the check script works like a charm when started from cli.

    But fails when started via monit…

  8. Henning Bopp

    Hey Robert!

    It is not about misconfiguring. It is more about the (expected) environment and its (reality-based 😁) internal mechanisms. monit does not load an environment before starting the script (because in 99.9% of all cases that is only creating overhead), so you have to provide your own if needed. I thought that the setting of MYSQL_TEST_LOGIN_FILE was enough, but it wasn't. The solution was to add a set -a to advice bash to pass on the var:

    set -a
    data=$(mysql  -e "SELECT CURRENT_USER()");
    echo "$data"
    exit $state

    You can test that with providing the environment by starting the command as a bash subcommand:

    bash -c 'mysql -e "SELECT CURRENT_USER()"'
    exit $?

    Both ways totally work like a charm on my lab-debian. I omit the --login-path=client because - as said - it is the default. I also tried creating a new set of data and set that manually. Also totally working.

    And to keep up with giving extensive answers (that are far behind answering the question 😀), here we go 📜: I had some trouble to build an environment to test it (on Debian), because that --login-path option is special to a the original MySQL. It is not shipped with percona (need dev package) and not even supported on MariaDB. So it might not be the most compatible command to use.

    EDIT (+30m): After rethinking that there must be some other environment-thing that has to cause the initial problem of not reading the right .mylogin.cnf file, I came up with two things:

    1. The root source is the missing $HOME env var. So it can also be solved by:
    export HOME='/root/'
    data=$(mysql  -e "SELECT CURRENT_USER()");
    echo "$data"
    exit $state
    1. (nothing to do with the problem, just code style) You do not need to pass all variables set (as with set -a)
    export MYSQL_TEST_LOGIN_FILE='/root/.mylogin.cnf'
    data=$(mysql  -e "SELECT CURRENT_USER()");
    echo "$data"
    exit $state
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