MySQL protocol test fail internally when testing MySQL 8

Issue #839 resolved
Tildeslash repo owner created an issue

Trying the MySQL protocol test against MySQL 8, fails internally with a runtime error: `monit-master/src/protocols/mysql.c:316:84: runtime error: left shift of 50175 by 16 places cannot be represented in type 'int'`

Comments (5)

  1. rwky

    I’m testing Monit (downloaded from on Ubuntu Focal Beta with MySQL 8 and checks are failing with:

        Description: failed protocol test [MYSQL] at /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock -- Server returned error code 1251 -- Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

  2. rwky

    As a work around I’m using the monit config

    check program mysqladmin with path "/usr/bin/mysqladmin ping"
        start program = "/bin/systemctl start mysql.service"
        stop program = "/bin/systemctl stop mysql.service"
        if status !=0 within 3 cycles then restart

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