Permanently showing error for check host request in mmonit

Issue #876 resolved
bablex created an issue

I have a “check host” with “and request “…” with content = “abc”

2 weeks ago this test failed (with “Connection failed”)
I “monitor” and also “restart” this monitor (via mmonit) to no avail. It’s still showing “Connection failed” in mmonit due to that error 2 weeks ago, even though there are no new errors coming in.
(the log shows the failed one from 2 weeks ago, then the monitor & restart, but after that are no errors)

Why is it still showing as “Connection failed” even though it’s working now & no new errors are coming in?

Comments (1)

  1. bablex reporter

    The issue was that the error that was reported 2 weeks ago was still encountered by monit, but monit didn't write it to the log again, so we were not aware of it and thought the issue has been resolved. Fixing the issue on the page fixed the health check

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