AssertException raised in Command_new

Issue #932 resolved
Lutz Mader created an issue

Hello Tildeslash,
all the time I try to test a monit config with some unavailable scripts I get a "AssertException" raised in Command_new at "src/system/Command.c:436" (based on Monit 5.27.0).

A "AssertException" raised for this config file.

check program myscript with path "/usr/local/bin/"
  if status != 0 then alert

% monit -t -c test.cfg; echo $?
/Users/lutz/monit/config/test.cfg:1: Program does not exist: '/usr/local/bin/'
/Users/lutz/monit/config/test.cfg:1: Program does not exist: '/usr/local/bin/'
AssertException: File '/usr/local/bin/' does not exist
 raised in Command_new at src/system/Command.c:436

But a "Program does not exist" for this config file.

check process apache with pidfile /usr/local/apache/logs/
  start program "/usr/local/bin/ start"
  stop program "/usr/local/bin/ stop"

% monit -t  -c test.cfg; echo $?
/Users/lutz/monit/config/test.cfg:7: Program does not exist: '/usr/local/bin/'
/Users/lutz/monit/config/test.cfg:8: Program does not exist: '/usr/local/bin/'
Control file syntax OK

Is this a problem in the parser,
from my point of view the config test should not end with a AssertException.
A similar behavior to the second sample seems to me a better solution.

With regards,


I got the AssertException with 5.26.0, 5.27.0 on MacOS, Linux, AIX.

Comments (3)

  1. Lutz Mader reporter

    Thanks for your fast help,
    I will never understand how to use the *.y files, I thing.

    With regards,

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