Allow custom email headers

Issue #935 closed
Maik Derstappen created an issue

Currently one can’t add custom email headers, which would help to connect monit with email based notication sytems.

Comments (2)

  1. Lutz Mader

    Hello Maik,
    have you read the manual mail message format information, see

    This is a simple way to customize the alert mail.

    I use somethink like this.

    set mail-format { from: monit@macbook.local
      subject: Monit $SERVICE $EVENT
      message: Monit $ACTION
    Service $SERVICE event $EVENT
    at $DATE on $HOST
    Yours sincerely, Monit }

    With regards,

  2. Tildeslash repo owner

    the main email properties can be set via the format option, we don't plan to add support for "X-*" headers

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