view/manage check per user ('check manager' role) in web interface

Issue #94 closed
Tom K created an issue
set supermanager admin

set httpd port 2812
    allow user1:pass1
    allow user2:pass2
    allow admin:monit

check process user1_tomcat
manager user1

check file user1_catalina.out
manager user1

This would be useful on shared servers where users could view/manage ONLY checks for which they are set as manager. Supermanager can view all services (as admin does now).

Monit web interface could then be also embedded in other control panels where user user1 is already authenticated. This may require further modifications but first step towards it is to restrict check browsing/management to a specific username.

Comments (1)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    Roles and access management is better done in M/Monit which already has this and it will further be refined there. This allows Monit to be kept simple and focused.

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