MMonit block ips

Issue #954 resolved
Kiril Ballow created an issue

Hello Monit,

Is there any way on MMonit configuration prevent Monit instances from connecting to it? For example I use a common log in for my Monit instances to send data to MMonit, but if I delete the host from MMonit it will come right back because I need to disable Monit, but that is sometimes not as easy as it sounds because I would need to get access the host which might have changed credentials.

Basically the ask is, can i block for example IP X.X.X.X from connecting to MMonit from changing a configuration on MMonit?

Comments (3)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    Hello Kiril,

    M/Monit itself has no IP access filter, you can block the given IP via your host’s firewall (iptables/ufw/etc.)

    It is also possible to set the host to “Ignored” state, where M/Monit will stop processing messages from the given host, see the attached screenshot.

  2. Kiril Ballow reporter

    Wow I totally forgot that I can use the firewall outside of MMonit to accomplish this. Thank you.

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