alerts not working - monit.spec missing 'adduser monit'

Issue #96 closed
Tom K created an issue

The rpm build section (monit-5.8.1/system/packages/redhat/monit.spec) is missing monit user creation/deletion script which causes monit to be unable to send email on some cPanel or exim servers with vague "sender verify fail for monit@server" ... "Unrouteable address"

Compare PREIN and POSTIN scripts in

Unless installing from above rpms the user 'monit' needs to be created manually:

/usr/sbin/useradd -M -r -d /var/lib/monit -s /bin/sh -c "monit daemon" monit

Comments (1)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    The RPM install Monit as root, not as "monit" user, so the unix account is not necessary.

    The sender address can be specified using "set mail-format {from: myuser@mydomain}" statement.

    => it is configuration issue, not bug

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