Please consider compiling Monit binaries for arm against an older glibc

Issue #962 resolved
George Brooke created an issue

The binaries for Monit 5.27.2 on arm require at least glibc 2.28 while x86 only requires 2.7. Monit 5.27.0 on arm required 2.13.

This causes a problem for older arm platforms - for example industrial arm computers from Moxa use a Debian 9 based OS [1] which has glibc 2.24.

I imagine there are similar issues on any arm platform with a vendor OS image where people might want to add monit from binaries.


Comments (3)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    We have moved our build machines to Debian 9 for both ARMv7l and AARCH64 … the next release will require glibc 2.24 or later for both ARM platforms.

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