Rewrite GlobalAPIHandler (Global.Engine.Importer)

Issue #27 new
Duncan created an issue

as the title says, the function returns 0

Comments (8)

  1. --

    questionable if working, all proxy to EngineGlobalAPIHandler which is buggy

    GetDLLName -> EngineGlobalAPIHandler
    GetAPIName -> EngineGlobalAPIHandler
    GetAPINameEx -> EngineGlobalAPIHandler
    GetAPIOrdinalNumber -> EngineGlobalAPIHandler
    GetRemoteAPIAddress -> EngineGlobalAPIHandler
    GetLocalAPIAddress-> EngineGlobalAPIHandler
    GetDLLNameFromDebuggee-> EngineGlobalAPIHandler
    GetAPIOrdinalNumberFromDebuggee -> EngineGlobalAPIHandler
    GetRemoteDLLBase -> EngineGlobalAPIHandler
    IsForwardedAPI -> EngineGlobalAPIHandler
    GetForwardedAPIName- > EngineGlobalAPIHandler
    GetForwardedAPIOrdinalNumber -> EngineGlobalAPIHandler
    GetForwardedDLLName -> EngineGlobalAPIHandler
    GetNearestAPIAddress -> EngineGlobalAPIHandler
    GetNearestAPIName -> EngineGlobalAPIHandler
  2. Duncan reporter

    This is the current state:

    ImporterGetDLLName -> ImporterGetDLLNameFromDebugee
    ImporterGetAPIName -> ImporterGetAPINameFromDebugee
    ImporterGetAPINameEx -> remove?
    ImporterGetAPIOrdinalNumber -> ImporterGetAPIOrdinalNumberFromDebugee
    ImporterGetRemoteAPIAddress -> EngineGetAddressRemote
    ImporterGetLocalAPIAddress -> EngineGetAddressLocal
    ImporterGetDLLNameFromDebugee -> EngineGetModuleBaseRemote
    ImporterGetRemoteDLLBase -> EngineGetAddressRemote
    ImporterIsForwardedAPI -> remove?
    GetForwardedAPIOrdinalNumber -> remove?
    GetNearestAPIAddress  -> EngineGlobalAPIHandler
    GetNearestAPIName -> EngineGlobalAPIHandler
  3. --

    ah great. I just found this list I made when refactoring ::Importer. didnt know current state

    isForwardedAPI might be useful

  4. Duncan reporter

    how can you ever detect this properly? multiple DLLs can point at an API, so it's random to return an address...

  5. Duncan reporter

    it has something with APIAddress, which seems strange to me, because fowarded APIs dont have an rva, will check it in the original docs

    yep, it's like this: example:

    hModule = GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll");
    ImporterIsForwardedAPI(hProcess, GetProcAddress(hModule, "RtlAllocateHeap"));
    //Function would return TRUE because this API is a forward for kernel32.HeapAlloc
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