Do not reset Random joining/HT on suicide inside nation

Issue #101 wontfix
Mostafa created an issue

Right, so recently got back to TLK after a while off and decided to try out the whole random joining thing, started ranking and had a random HI so had to suicide to reset, but that also reset the HT. I realize why suicide out of a country and keeping HT shouldn't work but perhaps suicide in country would allow u to keep HTs? As it stands, if you happen to get unlucky early then u'll end up losing the benefit of random joining or losing the benefit of buy/dismiss and having to just wait till your units heal up. I cant think of any way this could be abused, but that's what this is for i suppose, so please let me know ur feedback on the matter :)

Comments (3)

  1. Nuvelle

    We have discussed this at length and we feel that it is better to keep it as a simple rule: Suicide resets your account (all parts of it). This counts for either suicide in or out of the nation.

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