Hotkey for market and terrain training.

Issue #102 open
Kargool created an issue

I would love for a hotkey to be put in place for market and terrain training. As it is now its a bitch to train on terrain and market, because you have to go to the armory, and barracks and encampment to do the changes you want to your army, then back to the city center and then to click on the terrain/market training. Make a hotkey and it will become easier. This will also help new people by making the training easier.

Comments (10)

  1. Plato

    I honestly don't think many new players use the hotkeys, but that's just my opinion. What you just described is the dismiss/rebuy technique experienced players use. New players will never be as fast as the oldies since they're still in the learning process. No need for hotkeys for market/scenario training in my opinion.

    Also, after the grey ranks the Market hotkey would become obsolete. Unless of course you'd use the same hotkey for Market and Scenario training. That could work.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    That would be awesome! I use the hotkeys a lot. Everything goes a lot master when you use them.

  3. Nuvelle

    But what about the beach?

    Or forest?

    Or mountains?

    I think there are too many options to keep it simple, and I do not want a complex set of hotkeys.

  4. Chipmunk42

    No need to seperate each terrain, just go with something like F: Beach, G: Market/Terrain training.

    I don't think it's too bad--those 2 hotkeys are currently unused, and beach doesn't have to be included to save hotkeys for future uses.

  5. Ph3onix_Khan

    You could have one hotkey for the terrain that your currently on and I wouldn't even worry about a beach hotkey lol

  6. Kargool reporter

    I dont think a hotkey for beach is needed, and yes, a generic terrain/market button would be great.

  7. Nuvelle

    This will be added for V2, but adding it to V1 is a larger job than expected due to the way hotkeys work (having it send to different pages based on location and/or rank would take a lot of work to add)

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