To stack or not to stack

Issue #105 new
Plato created an issue

Since this topic is becoming very hot again due to Srivijaya obliterating everything that comes in its way, I'd like to suggest the following.

Open the game 12 hours earlier for those who want to randomly join. Or even 24 hours for all I care, right after the former age finishes. (I do not know if this is feasible serverwise etc.) If you really want to fight the stacks, you'll get a head start of half a day.

If the rankers don't want to miss out on half a day's worth of training, they will randomly join as well, thus making the chances for a stack smaller. This means, new players who - from my experience - don't stack get an extra 12 hours to get their armies in shape without having to fear to be swiped off the map by a gigantic uberstack the first day. The stackers can only join at the actual age start and can still apply their silly stacking strategy, but they'd need to catch up with the random joiners.

I know what you're all going to say now, so I'll counter it immediately. "But what if all the stackers join a random country too, get themselves killed and then still stack afterwards?" Well, that's where the country strength comes in. After 24 hours that should be (meaning 48 hours after the former age ended).

If a stack still wins the age, you can't blame them that they've been OP from the beginning. And stackers can't complain either, since they still get a chance to play with their friends. Because that's what it is all about. At least, that's what they're arguing.

That will balance the game out, right? No more nagging, everybody happy!

This better get some good feedback and a lot of votes because I think it's one of the best suggestions I came up with so far.

Comments (14)

  1. Xandra

    well the first group random joiners can still end up in a stack-country, dont know if that makes them happy! But i like the idea! Is there any data considering how many are random joining compared to the stackers.

  2. Ph3onix_Khan

    Hmm, I kinda like the idea. Although I like my break in between ages too lol. If everyone joins randomly early and you have enough do so, then stacks will probably only be able to half stack due to random joiners. So I'm not sure if they would like it.

  3. Bongwater

    It would be a good start to balance out things. And like Plato said. Everyone will be happy because being able to play with their friends is THE reason for the stackers; and since they can still do that, no problem:). Right stackies? You guys are quiet now someone brought up a reasonable, possible solution. I do think that it should be combined with lowering the slots/country anyways. Would balance it even more. Let's say 7 or 8 slots to begin with.

  4. Bongwater

    You can choose. Just not when joining random,and you have to wait 12h, no biggie right? Because playing with your friends is the most important thing! Right? Can't have it all, stackies;). It would balance things out for sure. No one says it has to be permanent. It is essential to prevent stacking with the current playerbase because we want the game to be fun for all, or at least a majority of the players. Time to end the "stackers Diktat".

    I also think that suiciding out of the country should not be possible during that early start, and even better, during the first 2 days of the age.

  5. nopox-

    This discussion is completely useless according to following respons by Yellow.

    Yell0w >> Today - 14:44 A little insight in the opinions of Nuvelle and myself. We are not planning on nerving stacks, because we see this as a very temporary problem. I personally agree with: The problem is not stacks, but the lack of more stacks

    We hope to raise the level of players back to a point where we have enough stacks again ;) Some people are saying that we dont attract new players this way, true but we are not targetting new players atm, due to the fact that we have so many other problems with the game as it is. However, we may have a few changes in mind that might change how OP stacks are. Until then, just gangbang them guys!!!! ;D

  6. Bongwater

    I'm having doubts that we will be avle to raise the playerbase without some adjustments to prevent OP stacks. When new people join and they see one group is running the place, then they will just leave. Newbies need a chance. If a game is too hard from the beginning, people tend to quit. At least make some temporary adjustments like lowering the number of slots. It wont prevent stacks, but it will prevent the overpowered ones.

    I agree that the lack of more stacks is the essential problem. But to get more stacks, we need to make the game attractive. That's not the case now. Just implement some temp changes. I'll stop pointing fingers at stackies(we all know who they are anyways:P). Just consider a temporary change in the slots. That minor adjustment would work out for now. Maybe sf'ing will be a bit harder in the beginning, but hey, that's just part of the game. No biggie in non-flawless SF's.

    Considering the argument about the fact that you don't want to be the only planner in your country: You also do Not need 10 people to plan;).

  7. Klakun

    It's an interesting idea, to open the game earlier for random joiners. How ever I want to propose that it isn't a random country you join, but a random country in a chosen region. I don't know how may others think like me, but I start each age with a set goal for the age (a certain unit I want to try or a certain role). If I can't ensure that I have access to the unit I want to try then the appeal of random joining is lost.

    Yes, this would increase the chance of a 10 player stack to end in the same country, but with 5 countries in each region they should be spread none the less.

  8. Bram (Fappy)

    Yes sure, make random joining an even bigger benefit. Nah, lets just go full random joining, because that seriously worked for KnC!

    Stacks in my humble opinion are a blossoming place for New players to learn the tweaks of the game. Rather than in a half active country. Stacks usually contain some of the most experienced players, playing, and willing to teach others.

  9. Ph3onix_Khan

    Don't like the random in certain regions, if you join random and don't get where u want to go. suicide and make it where you cant join again till the others can.

  10. Robin Kleinhesselink

    When random joining becomes a thing: With our current player base (active age starters) we would have 200-250 players @ age start this would mean 7-8 players in every country. With some luck you get 3 active players 2-3 pvpers and 1 slacker. If you get really lucky you get 5 active rankers. The problem here is when will wars start ? day 4/5 because you dont have enough people to properly take out other countries.

    I think plato's idea is great but it doesnt fix the problem!

    Imo make less countries lets say 20 countries at age start with our current player base (active age starters) every country should fill up to 10 - 12 people (maybe still implement plato's random joining early) Stacks will be way smaller but still doable. Countries are large enough to actually start wars early (with proper ranking units). Getting 5 rankers out of 12 players is gonna be easier then 5 rankers outa 8.

    This way every country is stacked when the ages start most countries cant/wont get rolled over as easy as its happening now. (since more people make the really early wars a tad harder so less training in the wars for the stacks)

    The only question i have for plato's idea is that if you random join 12 hours do you get the ht aswell. if so then the HT counter has to start for active none random joiners aswell (so if they log in 9 hours before normal age starts they get 2 hts)

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