Countries and Units Terrain Bonus

Issue #11 duplicate
Nuvelle created an issue

TFD_Quickstrike >> September 14 - 03:46 Sittingbull suggested that unit terrain bonus should be removed. The only terrain bonus that should remain is the bonus that belongs to countries themselves.

I like this suggestion. Tho there is an alternative that was once suggested by unknownsoldier. The ability to basically change your unit terrain bonus through training. I kinda like that as well as that creates versatility and gives pvp players a bit more to do as well.

There might be more things that require changing tho.

Comments (2)

  1. Nuvelle reporter

    Rasputin >> November 20 - 22:50 Ah.. I actually just today made that same suggestion... It would be more realistic too. If a country fights over 200 citybattles on desert, in real life, those fighting there would definately gain experience on that terrain

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