E-mail when messaging to get old players back

Issue #114 open
TFD_Ishtar created an issue

I know we all don't want spam in our inbox, so my idea might be a bit orthodox, but still... I was checking my buddy list and saw a lot of old names who don't play anymore for years. I remember them from the early ages, but right now there's no way for me to contact them. Of course everybody receives the mass email now, but for most that's just a 'click and delete' thing I'm afraid. It would be different if people get a personal email from someone they used to play with.

The only thing I could think of to achieve that, is that people will get an email notification when you receive an ingame message. Of course every current player can and will turn it off, coz you don't want so many emails and also for new players, I think it should standard be turned off, but maybe you can turn it on for all those old, retired players who are still in our buddy lists and don't know how much we would love them to return to this game....

Other suggestions of how to contact people in your buddy list who never log in anymore, are more than welcome.

Comments (2)

  1. Nuvelle

    Unfortunately spam prevention guidelines mean that any such system would need to be opt-in, not opt out, otherwise we risk being blacklisted as a spammer, which will seriously harm the reputation of the game :(

  2. Nuvelle
    • changed status to open

    I am thinking of implementing this in a different way, I need to purge the database of all spam accounts first though.

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