SQL error

Issue #120 resolved
Former user created an issue

Got this error when writing a message in HC Forum.

Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 've had some bad sleep habits.', 14, 32664,1,NOW())' at line 1 INSERT INTO hc_messages (clan_id,subject, time, body, reply_to, posted_by, nr_replies, last_reply) VALUES (2, 're', NOW(), 'Normally GT08:00 to GT00:00 but latly I've had some bad sleep habits.', 14, 32664,1,NOW()) /connect.php:159 short_backtrace() /src_locations/hcforum.php:137 query() /src_locations/headquarters.class.php:123 send_message() /src_locations/headquarters.class.php:104 HeadQuarters->displayForum() /main.class.php:173 HeadQuarters->display() /page.class.php:37 Main->display() /index.php:306 Page->display()

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