Buying better weapon doesn't always work

Issue #124 wontfix
TFD_Ishtar created an issue

For example, when your hero owns an attic helmet and you want to buy him a corinthian helmet (after promo), it says that you can't because you already own an attic one. For most other upgrades, you don't have to sell your old gear first, but for this one, you do.

Comments (3)

  1. Lone Wolf

    TFD_Ishtar, TLK armory weapons tab uses price to detemine which item is better. Higher price === better item

    Attic helmet costs 2,000 ,corinthian helmet costs 1.500 .

    TLK sees attic helmet is more expensive then corinthian helmet, so sees it as a DOWNGRADE to a worse item.

  2. TFD_Ishtar reporter

    Why does TLK need to 'think' for me at all? Why not: "click to buy a helmet and it automatically replaces your current one, no matter the price or strength." Perhaps with a 'do you want to replace x by y?'

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