In-game chat overlay

Issue #127 wontfix
Bogdan Mariesan created an issue
  • Having the chat as an in-game overlay instead of a new tab.
  • This overlay could be minimized, maximized, closed.
  • Link it to the notification system #126 so you can "buzz" players in-game (really helpful when dealing with slackers)

Comments (1)

  1. Nuvelle

    I love the idea of the overlay, however the technical restrictions on doing this make it a no-go.

    We use IRC and not our own server based app/chat script as IRC gices us far more power, flexibility and stability.

    In order to make the chat an overlay we would need to make the page persistent and never refresh. Whilst it would be possible to do this, it would mean reworking our new version from the ground up (again) just for this feature.

    We will be making massive improvements to the chat (including possible notifications from IRC to ingame), just no making it an overlay.

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