
Issue #128 resolved
Bogdan Mariesan created an issue

One of the most important things in game theory is by far the topic of achievements. We do have in-game medals, ranking and history kept, but nothing to give you that sense of "reward".

We could have achievements like:

  • 1st SF, 10 SFs, 100SFs, 500SFs, 1000SFs, 9999SFs
  • 1st PVP win, 10 PVP wins etc.
  • 1st player of the country/age to hit Green rank, Marshal, Count, Baron
  • 1st time in HC/WC, 5 times in HC/WC, 10 times in HC/WC etc.
  • 1st time LD, 5 times LD, 10 times LD etc.

And the list could go on forever. Many MMORPG (especially World of Warcraft) games have this system implemented and it surely keeps players engaged. Besides the above we could have "feat of strength" achievements that are really really hard to get and could award in-game benefits for the next age. For e.g. being the LD of wining country would get you one month of Duke account or at least Duke account for the next age etc.

These are of course only some proposals and would surely benefit from more feedback.

Comments (6)

  1. Alex van Hoek

    As I like numbers, I really like this idea.

    Also perhaps some variable stats like SFs per X minute(s) and PVP won/lost (maybe even detailed with CK,HK, etc) in the last X minute(s).

  2. Nuvelle

    Marking this as resolved.

    Although its not already implemented, it will be a default part of V2, so having this on hold serves no purpose.

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