MOTA - Additional Awards

Issue #14 open
Nuvelle created an issue

LoneVVolf >> November 17 - 22:26 Apart from it's use during agerfor wheeeling, i have always used Final MotA as a reward for marq rank players that for some reason don't get HC medals, but have been important for country.

With gen+ players of same rank being able to join eachother, MotA is no longer needed for wheels, but i do feel Final MotA Tag is still useful and we could keep it.

I also feel there should be an award that can be given regardless of rank. some examples : - lower rank players that join important SFs and accept they'll get most of the injuries, even though they risk getting CK'ed, can be very valuable.

  • someone does great job in first week of age, then has less time.

I suggest to keep final MotA tag for top ranks, and allow LD to give a few "LD awards" to any rank. LD awards should only go to players that don't have HC or MotA tag,and be visible in profile.

Comments (6)

  1. Nuvelle reporter

    Nuvelle >> November 17 - 23:25 This may be a feature for V2 of the game, but the workload involved in adding this in is way too high :(

  2. Nuvelle reporter

    LoneVVolf >> November 17 - 23:55 That's ok, Nuvelle.

    I've waited years before proposing this, can wait longer for it to become reality.

    (Didn't bring it up before as i rated chance that vincent would agree with it as very low after removal of wc for blue ranks)

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