change joining system to forced random joining on 3rd nation

Issue #142 wontfix
Jordy van der lugt created an issue

it might be an idea to change the joining system.

the proposal is to change the system from free joining to random joining after your nation dies for the 2nd time.

first time you start the age you have free joining. when your nation dies, you can chose 1 more time a free nation. if your nation dies again, so after 2x dead. it should be enforced to random joining.

This wil stop people from actively letting there nation die early on.

It makes that stacks cant grow uberly strong into the endwar as then people will be spread among all countrys. especially the active people. and people still have 2 chances to start and play with who they like. maybe change it to after first country dies when the playerbase goes over 6-700 players.

Comments (6)

  1. Nuvelle

    I am against any kind of forced joining (or action actually) as this game is a social game. If i landed in a nation where I didnt get on with people I would have 3 options: Suicide out and loose all my work that age, give up and not play that age, or play and not enjoy it.

    All 3 are situations that will only loose players.

  2. Hans

    units... if you end up in a country with bad bonusses for your units it sucks.. (i speak out of experience on KnC..) and there you still had a lot of ppl who let their country die, by just sailing out.. so attacking nation could just sf kill em.

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