Burn button

Issue #147 open
Hans created an issue

a button at your army, to burn (or give everyone in your army the mps you currently have (if lower ofc nothing should happen)

and while we're at it, give it some options, everyone below or up certain rank, offliners / onliners, ... ?

thought came up to me since i had to burn a full main of 60 ppl :D and then even only the offliners ..

for me the button should be available for any army just to burn ppl in it. makes sf a lot faster . so even if the army leader has 3mp he should be able to burn ppl in his army with the click of a button ;) (but that's optional, main problem is stated above this alinea)

Comments (3)

  1. DGM_

    I'd say a good idea! I do on the other hand think it should not be possible to just burn with any mps. 0mp dropping is a choice that is mostly made due enough time to burn or good preperation.

    Just going 'burn all' and being able to 0mp in a sec seems kind of cheating imo. Speed at the cost of risk is a good feature in my opinion.

    Maybe an option to 'stick' 2ic to a person. Or maybe a third option: Kick Give Command Burn (has the effect of passing 2ic regarding mps but does not pass on.)

  2. Nuvelle
    • changed status to open

    I dont think this will be an issue soon - we are adding a lot more options into army management. That should include a way to reduce players MP easier!

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