Banned users age does not show history

Issue #150 resolved
Nuvelle created an issue

If a user is banned at the end of the age, it does not record the age in the history.

I personally think this is too harsh, as someone could be banned at the very end of the age, for something that is not a huge issue, and their whole age is gone.


Comments (3)

  1. nopox-

    Why do you call it harsh when someone who is banned also looses his virtual reward? If someone gets banned he/she probably (even if it happens at the end of the age) did something that is against the rules. So why reward someone with virtual useless medals or rankings while he/she handled against the rules?

  2. Treena

    But if you are banned without being given a warning first. You don't have the ability to change the behaviour that got you banned. And to lose your achievement for the age as well as being banned is being punished twice for the one thing. And especially to take away that recognition of the time and effort put in over the course of an age is unfair.

    Maybe it should be considered for those who continue with habitual or consistantly display bannable actions.

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