Minimum Requirement for HC/LD

Issue #151 open
Bogdan Mariesan created an issue

Can we change the rules a bit until we have a more decent playerbase?

  • reduce the minimum number of players to 3 green ranks
  • in case you don't have 3 green ranks in your country but hit the rank of VM/M you will be declared LD automatically

Comments (5)

  1. Nuvelle

    I personally do not see how this will help - if you cant get 5 greens you are going to really struggle to kill another nation anyway?

  2. The_Warlord

    How about beeing able to show that you want to be LD once you are green but don't have 5 greens yet. By clicking something behind your name in HQ? Or to keep it simple, just make voting possible already, while keeping the current rules to have 5 greens before an LD get's his/her tag.

    That would get HC up sooner, especially if you have guys from different timezone's.

  3. Craig Wright

    The_Warlord's idea is not bad just let everyone vote but the votes not count till they are green and you can only vote for greens and up

    prob make it so starting at blue you can vote... everyone may be a little overboard :P

  4. Viceroy TLK

    Along these same lines, it would be helpful from a time zone perspective to be able to vote for someone once you hit the rank of general, even if your country does not yet have 5 generals.

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