Bring Back Navy

Issue #154 open
Former user created an issue

I played King and Country a fair amount, and what I came to really enjoy about it was the Navy Play. While I appreciate why that game had to finally be let go, after all technology waits for no one, I think that it could be a nice addition to this game to bring it back. Naval Engagements of significant size were occurring in history as early as the 15th century, and the advent of blackpowder heavy gunnery brought this emphasis even further into the fore. Both Europe and Asia saw the rise in importance of naval supremacy in the period during which this game occurs, with naval domination playing a significant part in the forestalling of the Turkish Advance into Western Europe as early as the mid 15th century, and Korean naval victories under Yi Sun-Shin being largely responsible for the dismal failure of the Japanese invasion in the 16th.

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