Suggestion for Enhanced PvE (and PvP) experience

Issue #155 resolved
Former user created an issue

So one thing that drew me into Last Knights in the beginning was the small roleplay elements, renaming your units, some story to your "training" battles, the feeling of progression and such.

One thing I would like would be to have the option to focus a bit more on that experience, my suggestion is to add a type of "quests" to the PvE battle options. It would be a series of battles, which have to be fought one after the other (no breaks) with some more story, progressively more difficult battles, and a (big) gold and experience reward at the end. You could limit them to one every 6 hours for the sake of balance. It would also allow people who are a bit less active to not fall behind as much.

I think this could also be used to enhance the early-age pvp experience, by adding "quests" that present you with a (not real) border with targets to spy on, and attack. You get a limited amount of time (or spy actions) to use to determine what target is the best, and if you select one you can handily beat you will get rewarded appropriately. This would help alleviate the relatively boring early age for pvp-ers, as well as help new players learn PvP, what works well against what etc. You could, again, put a limit on how often this can be done for balance.

With a bit of imagination you could even combine the two abovementioned suggestions, making it a story-driven set of skirmishes finished by a mission to find the enemy leader amongst the officers and assassinate him before they can respond to the attack! Make PvP-ers feel like ninjas (though I think some of them feel that way allready haha :P).

Let me know what you think in terms of plausibility and likeability, I think all the features required are allready present in the game, though I don't know if the structure of the engine is such it could handle this addition.

Comments (2)

  1. Blue Pig

    Like the idea! Especially since I'm getting some less time to actively play (sadly) this would still keep me going I think.

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