Hero weapon buy sell discrepancy

Issue #157 open
Mateo Bottini created an issue

Starting situation Gold 68k Hero with "Aspis" shield (buy cost 4k, sells for 2k)

Action: buy "Scutum" shield (buy cost 5k, sells for 2.5k)

Ending situation Gold 67k Hero with "Scutum" shield (buy cost 5k, sells for 2.5k) No Aspis shield ( I assume auto sold, as you can't have 2 shields)

Problem: 68k-5k+2k=65k. Im ending with 2k more than I should. Maybe the full price of the original item is being considered in stead of the sell price?

I have yet to try this with other items, as soon as I test those, I'll add in the results

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