Heal turns not reset by City Combat

Issue #158 invalid
Former user created an issue

Maybe this is intentional but the Heal turn countdown timer is only getting reset when I do training battles, taking part in SF's or leading them does not interfere with it at all, can attack as many cities as I want and still get one turn closer to a heal turn at the tick.

I figure it's a bug but maybe it's intentional? Just seems counter intuitive. I figure the heal turns are specifically to make up for time spent not playing (sleeping and such), meaning non-nobility members can keep up with or outpace you by being more active, and it's just a catch-up mechanic.

With how it is now however it seems like it's a flat-out advantage while you're at war.

Comments (1)

  1. Nuvelle

    This is indeed intentional and was changed in age 208

    [Age 208]http://lastknights.com/?page=forum&thread=47131

    *Healing Ticks only reset on injured units from aggressive pvp or training fights. We feel that the current way healing ticks work it sometimes hurts the country. Often players refuse to lead or join sf’s, because they are afraid to lose healing ticks. It also shouldn’t be up to the main driver to decide if you get your healing tick or not (dropping). *

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