Bring back Hero XP on losses

Issue #16 resolved
Nuvelle created an issue

Georgius >> November 11 - 16:20 My duelist beats up 3 heroes every PvP and 5 every MvM. What does it get for slaying all those enemies? Zero XP if its commander loses the battle.

Comments (13)

  1. Nuvelle reporter

    LoneVVolf >> November 11 - 21:06 I agree with georgius.

    Winning hero duels should give hero points regardless of which side wins the battle.

  2. Nuvelle reporter

    Viceroy >> November 16 - 19:43 I'd go even further. Giving heroes that lose duels experience will help increase their competitiveness in future battles, thereby helping to improve game balance.

  3. Nuvelle reporter

    Carmondai >> November 16 - 19:57 But only give it xp if it duels, to prevent those annoying greys from hero training

  4. Nuvelle reporter

    Viceroy >> November 16 - 20:06 You could always just not turn on the feature until once the commander is past the gray ranks. Or maybe just limit the xp a hero can obtain at each rank. There are plenty of ways to accomplish both.

  5. AlexanderJansen

    If one fights, one gains experience (IRL) so not just the heroes IMHO but every battle should give some XP (eXperience Points) (Maybe a little less for the losing side, like 50% or so..)

  6. Arcus

    Maybe this can be done.. Let x be the amount of HP the hero has removed of the enemy hero. For eg. My hero has 30 str Enemy hero has 300 Hp After 5 rounds, enemy hero has 150 HP So my hero gains 150xp Or maybe lessen the xp gain.. Like Xx0.8 on victory and on defeat,(of duel) Xx0.4 EDIT: * was showing italics

  7. Yell0w

    Age 210: Heroes gain experience from winning duels even if the battle is lost The commander has to be at least of the blue rank.

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