Faq about number of HC needs updating

Issue #162 resolved
Lone Wolf created an issue


It still states countries can have 4 HC, but number of HC is now dependent on number of alive countries .

Please update the text .

Comments (3)

  1. Lone Wolf reporter

    As admin i can update the text, but i'm not sure of the correct numbers and haven't found them on forum.

  2. Nuvelle
    • changed status to open

    Il check the code and see what the actual numbers are.

    This was a change added in before we took over so not quite sure on the full details!

  3. Nuvelle

    Please feel free to update the FAQ!

    30-16 nations left = 3 HC members.

    15-9 nations left = 4 HC members.

    8-3 nations left = 5 HC members.

    2-1 nations left = 6 HC members.

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