Merged temp main into taxi, former army disappeared

Issue #172 open
Former user created an issue

I merged a temp main (2ic, I am a marq) lead by a MOTA'd Marq into a Marq. I had forgotten to MOTA the Marq taxi that I was merging it into first. The result was that it merged everyone in except the Marqs (naturally), but the temp main leader wasn't left with a small army of Marq, instead the former army disbanded, so all the Marq had to come online and rejoin. It couldn't have been me disbanding the army by a misclick, since I was no longer 2ic (I got transferred with the merge to the taxi), and afaik the leader of the temp main wasn't at his PC at the time. I'll try to see if I can reproduce it, but it seems like there could be a bug with either MOTA, 2ic, Marq/Marq* or a combination of the three.

Comments (3)

  1. Bjarne Bernt

    Apparently the stars I added don't show, made the text italic instead. 2ic: Marq. Temp leader: Mota'd MarqSTAR. I think he was still MOTA'd at the time. Taxi being merged into: Marq.

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