Turn some countries on neutral at age start

Issue #18 wontfix
Nuvelle created an issue

Aspired >> November 11 - 16:52 As we await the new players, could we turn off some of the countries at age start? That way when new players do join they don't end up starting in a country all by themselves? Will also help activity in the early age. If players notice that there are actives in their country they are more likely to stick around and aren't left to train alone until they get bored. Also will make early age better for everyone else, as there will be something too do.

Comments (11)

  1. Nuvelle reporter

    CoolBebe >> November 15 - 13:49 May I ask why?

    It sounds reasonable to me to lock inactive countries More like Switzerland or something-)

  2. Nuvelle reporter

    HollowPoint >> November 15 - 15:25 What new players, care to elaborate? The odds of registering the first day of the age in a dead country are low and I doubt it even makes that much of a difference.

  3. Nuvelle reporter

    Carmondai >> November 15 - 23:50 And which countries should that be then? I mean everyone has his favorite countries, would you pick the ones with the worst bonusses? And on What do you base which bonusses are the worst? Just wondering :)

  4. Nuvelle reporter

    Georgius >> November 16 - 13:28 Yes you may Bebe! Beforehand it seemed like a reasonable solution to me too. However it turned out didn't solve any problem at all. If anything it only made ages more predictable and boring. Also with only 18/30 countries randomly available, it drove away a few people who set out to join a specific country only to find it disappeared off the map. People were used to getting the same 30 choices every age and didn't cope well with the sudden limitation of their free choice. At the end of the day, what's the difference between capturing empty neutral lands or off a country with 1 grey sitting in it? Atleast that grey rank willingly chose to join the emtpy country and had the option to suicide out if he wished so.

    However seldom it may be, there's always the possibility a load of people from dead countries suddenly group together in an empty country and make it flourish. With neutral countries you take away that possibility and just speed up the gameplay.

  5. Nuvelle reporter

    UnknownSoldier >> November 16 - 19:15 I made this suggestion on IRC the other day, but a possible solution would be a dynamic removal of countries over the first 24 hours of the age.

    Initially start with all countries available and then over the course of the first day start closing down countries that have less than a certain of players (probably some formula involving the average number of players per country). Players that are in those countries get booted out and as compensation are given a temporary [one-time] increase to the country joining limit so that they have an easier time getting in somewhere. Maybe also give them the bonus of always having their original regional unit as an option to buy (which brings up a whole 'nother possible suggestion).

  6. Thom Merrilin

    you could also make a list of each country, and based off the previous ages activity, only X # of countries open. where ever that list stops at, is where it would start for the next age. so if 21 countries were open in the next european age, the following european map would start with the remaining 9 countries that were not open the previous age.

    I do like the re-ordering idea after 1 day also. we just need something to increase the pace at which LDs/HCs are set up. some countries sit with 2-4 players for days, basically leaving those players out to dry. it also handicaps non-nobility players that must choose a country, as they are just continually forced into the non-relevant countries.

  7. pyro

    Would it be better to show countries their activity times after day 1? People could see when certain countries are active at certain times of the day. wont be random joining as people can still pick but could promote activity if other "non-stacks".

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