Map clarity Idea

Issue #191 new
Craig Wright created an issue

Just thought it would be nice if the names of the cities were removable on the zoomed in map with a check box like how you have the "You", "Armies", "City captures", "Battles", and "Capitals" check boxes now as this interferes with seeing what borders what sometimes.


Comments (3)

  1. The_Warlord

    On a sidenote, beeing able to copy the city names on the popup boxes from the map would get rid of so many spelling mistakes, especially in asia.

  2. nopox-

    Adding the bordering cities info into the popup when you get on the cityname with your mouse is another option.

  3. Craig Wright reporter

    So I found out you can click the zoomed in map and get additional info today. It would have been nice if this info was pointed out somewhere like a note on the bottom or top of the page saying something like "click on cities for additional information." I was not the only one who did not know about this. This does solve my problem though and now can see what borders what.

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