Reduce impact of very weak or very high strength countries on # of joining spots

Issue #196 new
Lone Wolf created an issue

I do think the current formula for caluclating # of joining spots gives a substantial improvement in balancing country joining on strength base.

There is one drawback: the infuence of very weak and very strong countries on the average value is very big.

I propose to remove lowest and highest countries from list before calculating average like this:

21-30 countries alive: remove 2 weakest and 2 strongest countries 11-20 countriesalive > remove weakest and strongest 1 - 10 countries alive: no countries removed

Comments (1)

  1. Lone Wolf reporter

    TLK used to have 3 war phases :

    early wars (mostly 1on 1wars) mid-round : many wars involving 2 to 4 countries per war in a limited area of map end wars : The strongest 4-8 countries left battle it out

    I expect this change will result in more joining spots for medium strength countries. That should result in more active countries and hopefully bring back the mid-round wars

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