V2 ideas

Issue #209 new
Former user created an issue

Hey, me and some players from my country started talking about some stuff we would like to see in TLK, I have a pastebin link for full conversation but I'll make a short list here.

(all auto stuff may come at a cost, like less xp gain or costing ingame coins, in pastebin read from 35 as we start talking about the costs there)

1. Auto train, click once till a certain amount (Something you will be able to choose yourself)

2. Auto heal, it makes training easier when units that are injured are automatically healed if you have enough gold (Also something that you can choose yourself as to which numbers)

3. When in training something that says "You have 35% chance to win next battle, still want to continue?"

4. Something that bleeps or whatever when all onliners are in an army, or being able to see who's in an army and who not somewhere on the screen instead of having to search for them in player list.

5. More units, that correctly represent the nations.

6. Auto Burn, so that we don't need to manually pass 2ic every single time.

7. Ingame coins, something that you can earn by completing achievements or whatever and maybe can get a certain amount every day that you're in the top 10, can use this to buy improvements. (Can reset everytime)

8. Achievements, not like normal achievements but 2 types of achievements: One that resets every age so you have a challenge to do every age. (Gives coins) And some harder achievements that won't reset (Gives some improvements or maybe bonus starting gold that won't reset)

9. Mini map on border page, or atleast make it show if it's a small/med/large.

10. Map improvements, as it's a chaos and easily misread where some stuff is (Medieval eu map example: Bruges, Delft and Utrecht, can't see the border lines at all)

11. When selecting which city to move to let it say which armies are there, for example: (Athens, Main army)

12. Bigger player armies, like 100's

These are some of the mentioned ideas in the paste bin we would like to see. I hope you read them all and maybe use some of them ;)

Greetings, EggMaster

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