Military access

Issue #223 new
Former user created an issue

Arcus here, suggestion is mentioned in forums under a related topic. But just to separate it from original topic, Im posting it here. Dunno what priority to put btw.

Arcane >> 10h 21m ago Or simply allow ppl to travel through allied cities without needed to sf. It could make strategy more interesting by allowing ambushes, and more pvp.

Or add something called "military access" (eu4 players know the term pretty well). Which allows any country to gain access to travel through cities of other countries regardless of needing to ally. This can save a lot of sfing to just "pass through" some countries. And the excuse to just "pass through" would no longer be able to turn into a backstab. Now, in eu4, this mechanic works pretty well since you control an entire country. But in tlk, the country has its individual players. So the problem comes in "revoking military access". I suggest to give some 6 ticks to players inside other countries' territories ehich their country HAD military access to, to move to their country's city or another countries' city which their country has military access to. If they don't move till 6 ticks, just reset them back to their country's capital. And yeah ofc, you can't pvp the country your country has military access to.

Last edited: 10h 12m ago online Ghurid Sultanate Truestrike >> 3h 12m ago +1 Arcane.

military access is a great option with access to travel allied lands.

i think being able to combine would be a bit extreme unless you limit it to maybe no more then 10 members per country can be in a combined unit . offline Song Dynasty Ninshido >> 2h 53m ago +2 Arcane online Dvaravati Scythe >> 2h 37m ago I like it, specially travelling thru allied country without sfing. offline Dvaravati Ozujsko >> 2h 26m ago And what if alliance is cancelled while travelling through ally lands? online Dvaravati NewNoob >> 2h 23m ago it is possible to abuse Military Access to be a 6 ticks long, pvp-free ride back to the capital online Dvaravati Scythe >> 2h 23m ago u return to cap

But generally unless backstab u know when ally is about to be cancelled offline Song Dynasty Ninshido >> 2h 17m ago the going back to capital thing should be removed. HOWEVER i think that if u are in another countries lands your terrain bonus should be -10 for when you are in those cities.

that would make it used for strategic purposes. not to walk to train on friendly good terrain cities if you dont have any.

Last edited: 2h 16m ago online Song Dynasty Arcane >> 1h 4m ago The idea has more room for development. As for the going back to the capital thingy, there can be an alternative for it such that if a player doesn't move out of the territory of the country the player's country had military access with, he can be claimed "EXILED". Meaning, unless he doesn't move to territory of his own country, he cannot join armies, pvp, or solo borders. Hence, he is forced to move to his country's territory.

And yeah for the "pvp-free" problem, the player can be pvped when "exiled" and not pvpable when not exiled :)

Last edited: 1h 0m ago offline Song Dynasty Ninshido >> 19 minutes ago Allow the pvp normally just like i said make the terrain -10 for people in cities that arent of their country. it makes it a disadvatage when pvping and when being pvped. Forcing a measure such as this to be used in strategic situations. not putting two mains in one city so an ally cant be killed online Song Dynasty Arcane >> 9 minutes agoEdit Im allowing all pvp expect one ahfook. I mean that the country you have military access with CANT pvp you if you are in their territory. Other countries are free to pvp you.

If the country you have military access with would be able to pvp you while in their territory, it'll be the same as sfing their territory and declaring real war.

Also, if stacking mains is what worries you, make it so that when a country A drops city of country B which contains mains/players of country B and country C(b and c have military access), ONLY country B's army participates in the battle. If the battle is won by country A, both country B's and country C's players are bounced to their respective country capitals. If battle is won by country B, everything remains same.

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