Tournament Incentive

Issue #23 wontfix
Nuvelle created an issue

Sparks_ >> November 11 - 18:50 The main way this game make revenue is through Duke accounts, I see that we need to make having a Duke attractive, maybe there could be a small 'gold' prize fro getting first or second place in the kings or princes tourni? Not a big prize but something that would help improve your hero or heal your army?

Comments (7)

  1. AlexanderJansen

    Why only in the Kings or Princes? If there's a small incentive, wich I would applaud, then this would also go for country tournament.. Doesn't even have to be gold, can also be a very small amount of skillpoints to help you develop your hero

  2. unclaimed

    its not like the tournament are logical and mostly top 10 rankers dominate the charts, so i don,t think any incentive will go to the normal players but to those in top 10, so sorry i don't think its a good idea.

  3. Lone Wolf

    How about giving small skill point bonuses for entering a tournament and a slightly bigger one for participating.

  4. pyro

    Actually i proposed a black market idea and tourny rewards would help skills might be a little over the top because you would have to have duke to level you hero up more

  5. Nuvelle reporter

    The tournament system already has its own medals. Since this is duke only I do not want to give anything that is actually empowering the units as it starts to become pay2win.

    Im close to calling this a "no" but am open to suggestions still.

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