Suggestion forum

Issue #239 new
Former user created an issue

It would be really cool if we could have TLK forum open after age ends. To continou discussing, funny things, dramas or such between ages. As when new age starts old one is forgoten very fast, this would also keep us busy or give us something to read related to game. It is way to silent :D

Comments (1)

  1. CoolB

    I agree -

    After age end, I usually take time to reflect on stuff - as I was following the latest updates for example I wanted to advise on the forum re the different payment systems and options - this is my expertise.

    I am not sure this will be picked up - maybe as a separate issue - however, I think it`s effective (resource, time) to just implement a single integration with an alternative payments provider that can serve multiple countries and currencies -

    I previously worked NL based - from a consultancy standpoint - happy to discuss the topic further

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