Encampment page shows Promote option when I don't have enough Authority to promote

Issue #252 open
brianjungman created an issue

In the Encampment page, the Promote option shows up even though I cannot promote. In this case I have 2 Authority, which isn't enough to promote anything. I'm guessing when the page is displayed it checks to see if (Authority == 0), but it really should check if (Authority < Promotion Price) when choosing to display a promote button for each unit. For example, if I have 9 authority I should be able to promote a unit that takes 8 more Authority than its predecessor, but not promote a unit that takes 10 more Authority than its predecessor.

See the attached screenshots for reference.

This one shows my encampment page: TLK_Encampment_Authority_Promo_1.PNG

This one shows my encampment page with the page scrolled down a bit more: TLK_Encampment_Authority_Promo_2.PNG

This one shows my mouse cursor hovering over the Promote button of a different color. I couldn't come up with an easy way to also capture my cursor in the screenshot, but it's hovering over the button. TLK_Encampment_Authority_Promo_3.PNG

This one shows the page right after I click promote. Notice in the top center it says "0 Promoted" which it should, because I don't have the Authority to promote any units. TLK_Encampment_Authority_Promo_4.PNG

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