20 minute ticks

Issue #26 wontfix
Nuvelle created an issue

merlin2k >> October 14 - 05:41 I just got back to playing the game from years ago playing KnC and a little of TLK. So I'm not sure if this idea has already been floated. But I think a simple thing of speeding up the game could help with keeping the new players that try out the game.

The Majority of people that play online games are accustomed to instant gratification. Having to wait 30 minutes for the game to update can turn off new player.

Once you've completed all your "moves" you have to wait 1-tick 30 minutes for the next turn. and even on that next turn there's a big chance that you still have nothing to do. A lot of new Players will grow bored or impatient and give up on the game before even giving it a chance.

Simple Solution:

Speed the game up a little, not drastically but maybe Lessen a Tick to 20 minutes so that there are 3 ticks per hour. This would line up nicely with the max 3 move bank per army.

This would give people more to do in the time they dedicate playing the game. More could happen in an hour, HC's would get built faster, wars would escalate and resolve quicker instead of at a snails pace.

Comments (18)

  1. Nuvelle reporter

    Cranberry >> October 14 - 14:14 I like it, but it might make it harder to play the game casually. Altough it would speed up wheels too.

  2. Nuvelle reporter

    Azzy >> October 14 - 16:03 too much to handle doing a 4mp or large 3mps for most planners would be hard. many planners are slow executors like fappy,mew are there at top of my head. also too much demanding, 3mp wheels every 35 minutes practically. Edit. corrected typo

  3. Nuvelle reporter

    Arcus >> October 14 - 16:24 Make mp and healing tick different. Mps increase every 30 mins, soldiers heal a tick every 20 mins

  4. Nuvelle reporter

    koffiedwerg >> October 14 - 17:05 I agree with Azzy,

    30 minutes is good enough for a nice big wheel, with 20 minutes you are sure to miss tick.

    adityas suggestion would be better, but then injuries/mps wont match up anymore.

    Which would complicate the game unnecesairy in my eyes.

  5. Nuvelle reporter

    Arcus >> October 14 - 17:49 Hmm... Remove healing system as whole, and every 20 mins give a type of healing tick item(band-aid?) which the player can use after receiving it. If the player does not use it within 10 mins, ie when he gets an mp, the band-aid will automatically be applied over his troops.

  6. Nuvelle reporter

    OlRazzleDazzle >> October 14 - 20:34 I like the idea to give a bit of variety.

    If 3mps become too hard to do there is nothing wrong with throwing in some 2mps to give some breathing room.

  7. Nuvelle reporter

    Hans >> October 15 - 02:44 i suppose just make a tick 40min, or even 1hour, like this sirfapdap has a lil more room to finally plan some decent 3mps ;) + us slackers will slack half as much then :D win win in my eyes

  8. Nuvelle reporter

    CoolBebe >> October 15 - 15:52 I like the idea, and would bring slackers back in pace. let`s face it, i would be more than glad to join / plan every other 2nd wheel and for the hardcore players this will bring quite a nice element on.

    have half a day off, join all wheels and promote fast. Missing a day, np! u can catch up!

    It solves many of the issues we face today as a player base

  9. Nuvelle reporter

    Azzy >> October 16 - 04:58 have a half day off n catch those who were there other half of the day? how does that work? slackers will slack more if someone cant have time for tlk every 70 minutes how do expect them to be on every 40 minutes? it will just widen the gap between no lifers and general population

  10. Nuvelle reporter

    Cranberry >> October 16 - 05:01 hmmm, its more having 20 minutes of time to play instead of 30. When you are busy, it is very hard to pay attention for 30 minutes. with shorter ticks, people can more easily pay attention for the full tick

  11. Nuvelle reporter

    CoolBebe >> October 16 - 11:55 I agree! I believe the site has statistics and metrics to show the average click rate/online time during a wheel

  12. Nuvelle reporter

    Urcaguary >> October 27 - 22:57 also with more ticks per hour there can happen more whilst people are offline as well. like getting kicked, pvpd and conquered

  13. Nuvelle reporter

    I agree that 30 is enough.

    The main reason is burning out people with more wheels more often.

    I do plan to run a speed age at some point with faster ticks, but that will be a special age, not as standard!

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