New Strength Identifier

Issue #28 open
Thom Merrilin created an issue

Adding in a new strength stat for the Cavalry round (CStrength) would be very helpful in balancing weaker cavalry units and potentially too-strong cavalry units in addition to anti-cavalry units.

It would allow for balancing cavalry units that are weaker, to deal more damage in Cavalry round and for balancing cavalry units that feel like they are too strong in the cavalry round. This stat can also be applied for all anti-cavalry units, so that units are not too strong in melee rounds while still dealing significant damage in the cavalry round as they are intended to do.

Comments (11)

  1. Thom Merrilin reporter

    CStr could start lower, higher or be unchanged. As it currently works, cavalry damage is calculated as (str * 2). I would much rather see CStr as the actual listed strength stat, instead of a smaller number that is then doubled.

    For example, in Asia. Kshatriya Riders current start at 27 Strength and 18 Ranged Strength. If it was felt that their damage in the cavalry round was a little too high, utilizing CStr would be a way to lower their cavalry round damage without weakening their melee damage. Their strength numbers could look like this: 27 Strength, 45 Cavalry Strength and 18 Ranged Strength. This would change their cavalry damage from 54 (str * 2) down to 45. PLEASE NOTE: this is just an example and not based off of any actual re-balancing numbers.

    A 2nd example would be Halberdiers in Europe. Their starting strength is 29. If we wanted to increase a Halbs effectiveness as anti-cav, we could have them look something like: 29 Strength, 80 Cavalry Strength. PLEASE NOTE: this is just an example and not based off of any actual re-balancing numbers.

  2. pyro

    So you would have some units be more or less effective at anti-cav. How would you determine the Cstr for melee units? I like the idea would help alot with units who are anti-cav and people see their str and cstr.

  3. Thom Merrilin reporter

    Cstr would only be given to units that should deal damage in the Cavalry round.

    Cavalry units and anti-cavalry units would be the only units who would have a Cstr (all other units would be set at 0).

    Determining Cstr value would be something the developers would decide upon....but it would allow for anti-cav be really be honed in to beat cavalry, and to balance cavalry units that may deal too much cavalry damage.

  4. pyro

    Sounds like a solid idea. Since in general arty beats most cav. Would that In theory change that? As it stands arty beats cav, cav beats inf, and inf beat arty. It has been this way since i can remember playing this game.

  5. Thom Merrilin reporter

    that is the way pvp is supposed to work, but the only infantry that "beat" arty are peasant/tribal units :P

    All that CStr will do is make balancing certain units much easier, and in buffing certain units without possibly making them too strong for melee rounds.

  6. Yell0w
    • changed status to open

    Will implement without balance changes, will allow balance team more design space! (Cav Str and Pike Str, will consider more)

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