To be able to demote from a higher tier to a lower one

Issue #29 open
unclaimed created an issue

Well as the topic says, normally when you are using phone or sometimes your pc, some lag happens and you click the wrong promote, then your army is .... and you can't do anything about it.

My idea is:

To be able to pay money to demote a soldier to a lower tier to be able to promote it to the right tier.

The amount of money can be determined by the admins how they see fit.

Debate if needed but don't troll :P

Comments (9)

  1. Arcus

    Or... Simply an Undo button while in the same page which can revert the last 1 change that you just did. For eg. You promoted 26 units to the wrong unit, you can ONLY revert them back using the undo button. Once you go back to city centre and come back to realize your mistake, you cannot use the undo button.

  2. pyro

    I agree with arcus. Its like playing league of legends then buying the wrong item. What do you do? Undo=p but if people go back to city center and dont like their army they could demote to promote to different units? I cant get behind that idea it could be abused

  3. Nuvelle

    This will be a V2 feature due to how the soldier data is currently stored.

    Once that button is clicked theres no way other than rolling back the whole db to undo it, and adding a feature in is not worth the effort till we recode the whole lot.

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