List of newly created issues inside game or forum

Issue #30 wontfix
Lone Wolf created an issue

I do like the bitbucket issue tracker, but there's 1 rather big drawback compared to using the forum : VISIBILITY

Unless people check on bitbucket, they won't see what new issues are created.

A list of newly created issues (say in past month) that's easily visible from within game or forum would help with that.

Comments (3)

  1. pyro

    Well you can start a thread saying we heard you on this and these issues. This month we looked into this and this =p and if you want you voice go here to bitbucket. Works for me, people slack but sometimes slackers have good ideas lol

  2. Nuvelle

    The idea of this is that people only come here when they have an issue, suggestion or idea which is what we want.

    Proactive players also come here for suggestions and input.

    We will do what Pyro is suggesting anyway - fixed bugs and added features will get an announcement each age, but everything thats still pending will be here to be discussed and worked out.

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