National Treasury

Issue #32 open
Former user created an issue

I think it would be nice to have a national treasury accessible only by LD and CoS. Obviously it would be on a donation basis only.... the purpose would be to help people to be able to FH before a drop, give a good pvper some extra gold to damage the enemy, ect. thoughts?

Comments (16)

  1. fiddlefaddle

    I don't remember having a system like this in place... but it would be very useful. I currently have 8m gold on hand and 35m gold in merchant stores and no way of spending it :P

  2. pyro

    Would be nice =p only problem i see is how it will be used because you can have the LD take the money to fh his army to keep ranking =\

  3. fiddlefaddle

    make a log of all transactions into and out of the treasury and make it visible to everyone gen+

  4. pyro

    Dont get me wrongsounds like a cool idea =p but i can see it getting abused... or maybe you can have a national treasury and FH everyones in the main? LD or Cos or even Hc can FH main from it for drops and such. If mains lose MvM they also lose money from the national treasury.

  5. fiddlefaddle

    hmm now there is an idea. maybe whoever defeats that country gets all the leftover gold added to their own treasury.

  6. Hans

    I know it is for V2 but still.

    So national treasery YES.

    the how , it cannot be given to players (abusive) + only in corrupt regimes it was used that way :p LD/CoS have acces to all of it. i mean can do all options, like FHing countries. offer allience (with gold) so improve relations to other nations by giving em gold. HC can FH main army, add like a selection box so you can choose what armies to FH. you usually just want the top ranks FHed for a drop.. or some lone pvpers for pvping. add a log that can be seen by HC. (since not all country should be able to see donations to improve relations to other countries.) but for the FH shit, since still HC can just train and heal using national treasery.. with the logs LD can just throw him out of his HC.. Court Martial him to lvl 5 aka Traitor!.

    • i think of more options for the national treasery.. maybe add mercenaries that can be hired ? the longer you have them the more expensive they become.. + if you recently hired mercenaries, and dismissed them you cannot rehire them for 24hours?

    so keep going with ideas for things to buy with gold i'd say :p

  7. CM Azwar

    ok treasury is a good idea and i have proposed it in past but it only works nest with democracy else it will be used for personal gain. * no time to burn gold and need slots empty dump gold in treasury :p (counter measure will be losing random percentage of gold if ld army get kicked :P ) * ranking stacks will rule (high ranks more gold and so on) * u hate a ranker u donate gold to highest ranker to get him beat :p * u can get a whole main hit by catas by donating a pvper lots of gold. * a tsakc can fail and fh gazillion times. so unless we have some sort of voting on donations like 70 percent of greens need to agree while only hc and ld can propose a donation or some thing of hat sort it would be highly abused and unbalance a lot of stuff. but if we skip out donation part we can add city defenses with treasury gold. like city walls or moat etc which give a small percentage bonus to defensing armies in that city etc. and when it gets conquered u have to repair defenses or they are inactive

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