Add chat to public menu (logged out menu)

Issue #36 wontfix
Nuvelle created an issue

This will let new players and banned people still get in.

Possibility of it being abused but as it uses your own IP and not the servers this is very easy to deal with.


Comments (5)

  1. Bram (Fappy)

    It would make it easier for new players to directly join tlk irc

    And there are always Owners in tlk-news so abuse can easily be handled

  2. Hans

    i don't really care for myself, not pro but not against either. if its like 2 line coding, then go for it, if it takes like day :p leave it :)

  3. Nuvelle reporter

    Its stupidly easy to add.

    Temporarily banned players will be able to access it.

    Permanently banned/IP banned will not.

  4. Nuvelle reporter

    Due to the abuse risks I am changing this to a no. We dont have ops 24/7 and it opens up the site to be used as a GameSurge proxy attacker, and adds more server load onto us.

    Temporarily banned people will just have to find another app to use, and not get banned next time!

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