Mute button

Issue #37 open
Former user created an issue

Like in many games people should add friends, but also be able to mute people. So ye got a friendly list and an ignore list. This to prevent people from spamming and mass messaging a country. They should always be able to demute someone, same as you can defriend someone.

Comments (18)

  1. Hans

    but then what if you mute a HC, and he spams the country watch out pvp. since you muted him, you don't get that message...

    but a more active friend list thingy would be nice :)

  2. Chipmunk42

    ^Well then it's your fault, doesn't mean it shouldn't be added. The one who was spamming messages/forum posts in Song wasn't HC either way, and I would've loved to be able to block him.

  3. Hans

    chipmunk, that player was HC for sometime in Song, and i'm not against it, just have to think about HC spam aswell..

  4. Yell0w

    I was thinking about a personal black list that only works for 24 hours, this way stuff can settle down. People can just add others to the black list and not receive messages from them. And that unblocks in 24 hours. I think it should unblock automatically after 24 hours, because once stuff has been settled down, you do need to receive messages about sf's/pvp etc... If you forget people on the blacklist, you might miss important information 2 ages further.

  5. Matthias

    It's my suggestion btw. Was more thinking of a blacklist tab. Like you got one for yer friends as well. That way you can always see who you muted in the past, and can always decide to unmute that particular person.

    Secondly i was thinking about an extra feature : !SF and !HC commands in game. Let me explain this in different steps: - LD/COS/HC in a country use !HC (or another command) when they type a message to everyone or to a select amount of people when they want to tell their country something important as in: SF's, planners, wars, NAP's, etc etc etc. Messages with this command can be read by everyone who is selected, EVEN if a person has muted that HC sending the message. This way you know as HC, that everyone has read your messages, even if you have been muted. !SF can for exemple be used by LD/COS/HC BUT ALSO WC to send plans around, to let everyone know theres an SF, to rejoin, join next SF, etc etc etc. This way WC has a much bigger meaning then it has now + again people who got muted will also see this message. People who use those commands in game with a whole different meaning, can get reported and permabanned. This way you solve several issues: a) WC finally has some more meaning to this game. b) You can finally mute people who are very annoying and want to provoke an entire nation. c) With these extra features people will see the difference between serious game-related, spam and 'fun messages'. d) Having a mute list, you'll be able to see who you got muted and can always unmute them again. e) There is a much easier policy when to ban/permaban/... someone who is bringing his own nation to death.

    This is only an idea which might need a little more finetuning. But it will help the game a lot preventing ego's and annoying idiots to bring the game down. Lot of people quit this game cos of some annoying people, which i won't name any people.

  6. Hans

    the one that use these commands with different meaning and abuse it , should just be handled by the LD/HC instead of reported and permabanned. (actually i vote for the old Court Martialing system back , or did that just exist in KnC?)

  7. Nuvelle

    If we implement this I think it would allow HC people to send a pre-defined message to all users, and bypass any mute.

    This would be something like a bunch of buttons that auto sends a message to everyone (Like @TLK_distance said about the irc !sf commands) but does not let you add your own messages in.

    This can be expanded to allow "SF at #" where # can be replaced with a timepicker.

  8. Nuvelle

    Will add this.

    Messaging someone who muted you will display an error (like mistyping names) and the message will not be saved or recorded.

    Will auto expire using a check on send message using "Ignored_until" type field in the db

  9. Nuvelle
    • removed milestone

    We need to add in a notification message type system before we can really put this in.

    On hold till that is added in.

  10. a

    . In my opinion it doesnt matter if the ignored person is hc/ld as i can check the HC message area for future sf's or can look at map to see if pvp is close.

    Irc is not part of the game,so HC message is very important,sometimes it is even updated :)

    Also i dont think that 24hrs reset would help,if things come back to normal we just un-ignore the person?

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