Countrytalk posts staying blank

Issue #38 resolved
AlexanderJansen created an issue

Since yesterday, I've had an issue with countrytalk posts. I typed something, hit send and then the post turned up blank. After that I could click edit, type the whole reaction again and then it would save it with my message.. This morning it happened again.

Haven't tried it on phone yet, but this happened with my laptop.

Comments (7)

  1. Nuvelle

    Il check this later, sounds a lot like the way messages were breaking.

    Hopefully will be done before next age.

  2. AlexanderJansen reporter

    Take your time..

    It happened a few times, but strangely all in the same topic (ironically called 'more drama')

    LOL.. I rather have you spend your time on all of the good ideas people are bringing in (like the gaining of terrain XP when fighting.. :P)

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