Shorten ages based on country left

Issue #39 resolved
Yell0w created an issue

Plato >> Today - 05:33 Well, it's time to get this topic from under the dust.

As of late, people (including myself) are fed up with those ages who drag on forever and ever. It is totally draining my energy and other's too. Some people become careless but most importantly, a lot of people lose interest in the game. As one of you has mentioned before, when you have built your army or achieved a certain goal in the age, you seek for something challenging. If nothing challenging remains in the game, people start losing interest. I have also noticed that for some reason, activity has been worse than it was a couple of days ago. That is, until Luwu died and they joined our forces. I think there's quite some people who got discouraged by the fact it could've easily been a 22 day age, if it weren't for Luwu dropping on an empty just before they got killed. We were all relieved, including Luwu, that the age would finally get to an end.

I agree that our HC too made mistakes by killing Dvaravati instead of Luwu. This was mostly because of Dvar falling asleep the moment Luwu was down to one city. They had it coming I guess.

Anyway, with the current playerbase, there is no need for 22 day ages. Nobody is interested in those. Everyone will be Marquess by the end of it and/or burned out. Half of the countries are eradicated by day 3 because of lacking players, the "real" wars usually start around day 4 or 5 already.

Having different timers for when 5 or 4 countries remain would be such an improvement/relief, as you would actually have something to look forward to.

Comments (14)

  1. Lone Wolf

    I have seen enough ages were 6 countries where still alive on day 8, 14 days as max is not enough.

    I would keep the current max length,but instead use timers like this :

    5 countries left : age ends 7 days later, reset endcounter ifnew enddate is smaller then 22

    4 countries : age ends 5 days later counter,reset endcounter if new enddate is smaller then 5 country enddate

    3 countries : end 3 days later,reset endcounter if new enddate is before 4 countries enddate

    2 countries : end 1 day (24 hours) later,reset if smaller

    This will work also when we have bigger numbers of players

  2. AlexanderJansen

    I voted yes for this issue, but agree with LoneWolf that it would be better to set more timers then now in stead of just blundly increasing length..

    I would even start of with 7 days when 6 countries are left in stead of 5 6 days with 5 countries 5 days with 4 countries 3 days with 3 countries 1 day with 2 countries

  3. unclaimed

    As plato said, ages become boring when the aim is only to sf for like 8 days without a real goal. I for myself did suicide after Tangut won 2 times 2 vs 1 situation, the others had just opposite terrains and killing them will be only if song or luwv turned into 3 vs 1 situation which is not a war i like to be part of.

    So yea as lone wolf posted is a fine solution.

  4. nopox-

    Funny to see ppl complain about the lenght of the age. Indirectly they complain about their own way of playing. No matter what changes in age lenght you make, the leading players themselves are responsible for the way the age is played. Another way of playing might be a better idea. BTW Lone Wolf's idea sounds like a reasonable alternative.

  5. Hetwiel

    I think the problem lies more in the way people percieve the diplomacy of this game at the moment. Everyone is always talking about getting to end wars and making fair endwars, while noone actually has to do that. Usually the whole endwar nonsence is what drags the game on unnecesary long. I have no solution to this, but that is the root of the problem. It becomes boring because of terain camping countries that the rest can not defeat. For instance, Luwu and Song did not dare to go into mountain while Tangut and Pagan did not dare to go into jungle. Think about how to solve that first of all, perhaps by making countries less evenly matched? Redo the join country mechanism post day 3?

  6. Matthias

    Lonevvolfs idea is the best i've read. When several countries are left (5-6) a lot can still happen. When 3-4 countries are alive, things can get really boring. Even when it's 1vs3.

  7. Nuvelle


    5 countries left : age ends 7 days later, reset endcounter ifnew enddate is smaller then 22

    4 countries : age ends 5 days later counter,reset endcounter if new enddate is smaller then 5 country enddate

    3 countries : end 3 days later,reset endcounter if new enddate is before 4 countries enddate

    2 countries : end 1 day (24 hours) later,reset if smaller

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