Small button upgrades

Issue #41 resolved
Hans created an issue

So, I recently had few annoying situations, which could easily be resolved by adding a button.

  • when at the city centre's page, the button to go to city centre is gone. so you have to either click refresh, hit F5 or hit C. just the big city centre button again would be nice for me.

  • when at castle page, when you see an army details there is a small refresh button at the left top there. very nice to to burn people in ur army fast. if that button could be added at the normal castle overview, you can easily refresh to see if more have joined or rejoined.

  • when spying a city , there you have to buttons , spy again or go back. add Attack button. (be sure to have a confirm after!) since if you misclick spy and hit it .. main drop blablah.) would make SFing mains happen less frequently.)

  • and as last when you are training you have a button go to hospital. there you heal. and then you have to go to border again and start your training again. add a button return to battle?

so this was it. i personally think that these are just minor tweaks , easily implemented. won't make that much of a difference for the ppl using hotkeys, (but i dont, and probably new players won't either. and makes game a lil less annoying :) )

Comments (7)

  1. AlexanderJansen

    Actually the 'attack' button after you spied a city would be very usefull.. I often play via phone and I don't like to lead on phone because I have no shortcuts and there's a lot of time between spying and being able to hit (enlarging screen every time, scrolling to the buttons)

  2. Plato

    In addition to this, how about getting rid of the Confirm button whilst spying? In my opinion that is totally obsolete. Yes, I do want to spy this city and spend a small amount of money. I do not need to be redirected to another page to confirm that I would actually like to spy said city (or commander).

    It would make things like accidentally dropping main a lot harder, since the attack button would still require the confirmation, whilst the spying wouldn't. When you intend to spy and all of a sudden see a confirmation button appear, you'd realise something is not right. Especially when playing from a phone!

  3. Yell0w

    Age 210: Added a refresh button to the userbar, Added an attack button on spy reports, Removed confirmation request for spying. City center button will no longer disappear.

    Decided against the hospital back to border button, because it's weird to code and inconsistent. Might reconsider later.

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